Google Number One Place to Work: FORTUNE

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eNews Park Forest reports today that Google debuts at number one on FORTUNE’s 2007 list of ”100 Best Companies to Work For.” This is a very impressive honor for a company that started out providing a search engine. The story reports on some of the perks included in working for Google:

At Google you can enjoy free gourmet meals; do your laundry; drop off your dry cleaning; get an oil change and get a massage all onsite. Work is such a cozy place that it’s sometimes difficult for Google employees to leave the office, which is precisely how the company justifies the expenses, none of which it breaks out of its administrative costs. Engineers can spend 20% of time on independent projects—no wonder Google gets 1,300 resumes a day. “It’s easy for Google’s people to be energized, though, when their company is so stinking rich that it continues to ooze cash even while lavishing benefits on its staff,” says FORTUNE’s Adam Lashinsky. “Just eight years out of the garage, Google will surpass $10 billion in sales for 2006,” he adds.

Congratulations Google!