Author: Gary K

  • Relative vs. Absolute Positioning

    Designers have many more options today for doing layout than the early days of web design when tables ruled.  The terminology can seem rather confusing.  On the surface, absolute positioning may seem like the ideal.  Just tell the layout where to live on the browser window.  Everything can be measured right down to the last…

  • PHP Junkyard

    Sometimes we want to reinvent the wheel.  If you’re a “coder,” meaning that you write code and enjoy writing code, couldn’t see yourself doing anything but writing code, then you might like to start from scratch every time you want to implement something new on your website.  Creating a clean program from nothing is very…

  • BeLarc Advisor – Free Personal PC Audit

    Have you ever forgotten licensing information for a piece of software, or stumbled when you had to call tech. support for an item on you PC? There is a free utility from BeLarc that builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, CIS (Center for Internet Security) benchmarks,…

  • Web Site Optimization

    If you are surfing the Internet using DSL or a cable connection, you may forget the days of dial-up connections. Did you ever surf the internet using a 24K modem? 12K? There are still plenty of users surfing the web with 56K modems, although the numbers are dropping. A recent PEW report from May 2006…

  • WOMMA Ethics Tool: Clear Guidelines for Companies Working with Bloggers

    CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) today released for public comment a draft of the WOMMA Ethical Blogger Contact Guidelines, which gives marketers a 10-item checklist with which to make sure they are always appropriate and ethical when communicating with bloggers. WOMMA is asking for feedback and revision from the blogging community and…

  • eNews Park Forest: the Cutting Edge

    When considering blog topics, I don’t always think first of my own projects.  eNews Park Forest, however, seems to be really taking off.  The concept for eNews Park Forest is simple.  I wanted to develop an online magazine for the citizens of Park Forest.  During the three years I served as trustee in Park Forest,…

  • Is Linux Ready for the Desktop?

    Linux today is speculating on whether Linux is ready for the desktop. This is an exciting question, and an important one. It is also a very old debate. Linux is not currently threatening the place of Windows on most desktops, but it has made some inroads. Hosting at Shire Enterprises is on a Linux server…

  • Thinking of a Computer for the holidays? Wait.

    In a surprise move which I’m sure the computer industry will take issue, Walter Mossberg, author and creator of the Personal Technology column in The Wall Street Journal advises consumers to wait until February to buy a new Windows desktop or laptop. The reason? Memory intensive and hard drive consuming Windows Vista is on the…

  • A word about Microsoft

    Just a quick word about Microsoft. I’ve been pretty harsh on Internet Explorer 7, and, I think, with good reason. In truth, I really started out on OS/2. OS/2 was an excellent operating system, and I’m sorry it’s no longer around. However, Windows XP has surpassed where OS/2 was when OS/2 finally ceased development. I’m…

  • Internet Explorer 7 – Yet Another Hole

    IE7 is not ready for prime time and you should not install it as your primary browser. Yet another hold was discovered by Secunia: A weakness has been discovered in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct phishing attacks. Phishing, according to, is: A method of identity theft carried out…